Common mistakes to avoid while preparing for CLAT

26 September 2023, 10:00 AM

CLAT preparation needs an organized and well-layout study plan, a tactical problem-solving mentality, and command and awareness of the syllabus. Nevertheless, despite all the efforts put into practice, we often fail to accomplish our target.

Well, the reason might be because of a few blunders that students need to pay extra attention to if they want to get good scores in the examination. Provided below are some common mistakes to avoid while preparing for the CLAT. 

> Not Having a Clear Understanding of the Questions

This is one of the most common mistakes committed by students who try to solve questions without even understanding the questions properly. Hence, this can lead to consuming most of your time and the worst is delivering an incorrect answer. So it is advisable to first solve the easy questions with accuracy rather than solving the difficult questions.

> Not creating a Timetable

It is essential to create a timetable for efficient time management. You cannot study rigorously and then take a long break. CLAT preparation is exhausting and challenging and it requires the utmost preparation. So make use of your time daily as this will help you to remember the topics that you have already covered.

> Not Giving Importance to Mock Test 

To know your strengths and weaknesses, students must not skip the mock test. Practicing mock tests regularly can help you identify the areas which you need to review. The mocks also enable students to know what they need to improve to score well in the examination. So, give more importance to mock tests if you want to ace the CLAT entrance exam.

> Too Many Resources or Study Materials

Study materials for CLAT preparation are available online. Students often refer to one resource or study materials from another which can lead to confusion and poor practice. Hence, students are advised to first check the CLAT exam pattern and prepare the topics accordingly. 

> Not Revising Enough

CLAT preparation also involves conceptual clarity and memorizing facts. Therefore, students should not forget to revise the past chapters in order to help them remember what they have already studied. The grave yet a common mistake by students is that they do not keep track of what they have studied and only tend to revise at the nick of time which leads to excessive stress and frustration. So revise while there’s still time and do not wait for the last moment. 
